Elevate and Celebrate BIG LIFE MOMENTS with a Mylestones Book.

A Mylestones Book allows you to capture ALL the messages, thoughts, emotions, photos, and mementos of a Big Life Moment in one lasting place.

A Mylestones book is better than a photobook, scrapbook, greeting card or social media post.

Let Your Circle of Friends Share in the Big Day

What makes a “Big Day” really special?
Sharing it with family, friends and those who matter most!
Don’t just snap pictures. Capture their messages too.

A Mylestones book allows everyone in your ‘Inner Circle’
to express what that huge moment means to them.


your book theme.


your book type.


Share your QR code with your Inner Circle.


Submit messages & photos directly to
the book.

Choose Your Book Theme!

How do I make a Mylestones Book?

Three Options

We’ve done everything we can to make it easy and fun to build a Mylestones book.

It’s like scrapbooking — but online — which means everyone can contribute.

The group can submit their messages and photos directly to the Book Mailbox.

Do It Yourself

Let everyone submit messages and pictures. Once they do, unleash your creative flair to design the book exactly how you want. Use our library of borders, backgrounds and embellishments to create an artistic Book.

Design It with Friends

Work on it collaboratively. Let friends and family offer their ideas. We provide the collaboration tools and space for a team (up to 4 additional people) to craft a beautiful Book. And, it’s a great bonding experience!

Delegate It to Us

If you’re short on time or creativity, let Mylestones put your book together. Using our design tools, we craft a polished book that incorporates the messages and photos you and your inner circle submit.

Choose Your Book Type!

Three Options
Start a Book